Saulo Medeiros
CEO & CO-Founder
Saulo has spent more than 10 years in the advertising world. From working with large publicly traded banks to small mom and pop companies. He started Kind Ads because he was tired of watching Google and Facebook use your data to benefit themselves.
Rafael Mayrink
COO & Co-founder
Rafael specializes in operations for digital marketing companies. Throughout his career his has worked with large, publicly traded financial institutions, especially on the marketing end. His life mission is to disrupt the advertising ecosystem through Kind Ads.
About Us
Our Mission
The advertising ecosystem is plagued by large corporations. Not only are they the ones making the majority of the money, but there are doing so with your data.
Google takes content from websites and displays it on their search engine in order to gain traffic. And in doing so, they send the traffic back to paying advertisers.
Facebook not only knows what you like and whom your friends are, but use that information to show you ads. And if you ever promote your own site on Facebook, your organic reach dwindles if you aren't willing to pay them for advertising.
Our mission at Kind Ads is to make advertising kind again.
Publishers and advertisers shouldn't have to deal with middle men. And you the end consumer should be shown more relevant ads, instead of misleading spam.

Our founding members:
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